Visual Sense
VisualSense is an enjoyable yet scientifically based, on-line tool allowing comparison of design options through presentations of scenes with technical, financial, and environmental data. It works through TEAMS and ZOOM digital conferencing, with participants using their smartphones to vote, judge and comment options. The tool facilitate decision making through integration of subjective and objective criteria

VisualSense was created in 2019 and gather international scientists from the domain of display technology, visual perception, psychometric testing, and IT technology.
VisualSense is based in Lyon France and offers services worldwide, through assistance (content production) or licencing. Clinets can develop their own narrative, upload their own content ( images and videos)
VisualSense develops partnership with major manufacturers in the field of design, construction and urban development.
VisualSense allows stakeholders to speed-up decisions, without the need to meet physically in a room. The same system can be used for large scale survey of customers, or citizens (for urban projects for examples) in sending a link. The tool respects privacy of participants. The tool has an integrated module to process results.
VisualSense offers 4 types of protocols largely used in market study by the food and automobile industry: pair-wise comparison, attribute rating and manual selection.
VisualSense has introduced an innovative on-line protocol, allowing viewers to ajust in real-time lighting power, lighting colours, material type, space dimensions, furniture, etc.

Contact Person: Prof-Dr Marc Fontoynont
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