An intense program of exchanges in New City with prescriptors, distributors, hotel representatives and professionals of the hospitality sector
Pauline Bruge | Publicado el |

Cluster Lumière, France together with CENFIM Cluster, Spain ( now part of AMBIT Cluster: organized a number of meetings, matchmaking sessions with local stakeholders and visits of local organizations during 4 days 12-13-14-15 November. The dates were selected due to the organization in New York City of a major event attracting clients in the domain of hospitality, the fair Boutique Design New York (BDNY,
The delegation consisted of 12 European companies, as well as 3 European Cluster representatives. Companies were offered the possibility to pitch their activities to potential clients and this was organized in a hotel in Manhattan during two days
Also members of the delegation participated to a training seminar where they were proposed possible strategies to approach architects and designers on the US hospitality market. This was managed by Susana Babic, Architect and consultant expert in Hospitality.
A meeting was organized at Hotel Association of New York City (HANYC), which brings together 300 hotel managers of New York City. A long term collaboration agreement was discussed, and the welliance consortium is now an associated member of the association. This status gives access to its data base of hotels, invitation to various events in hospitality, and visibility on the HANYC website.
Welliance is also invited to propose and sponsor activities such as webinars, training workshops conferences, etc. to facilitate links with local hotel professionals. Finally the status of allied member allows also to associate the logo of HANYC with the welliance logo.
The delegation also visited The Architect and Designers building, New York Design Center, as well as ICEX, Spanish Trade Commission in NY.