Info session: opportunities in the water sector in South-Africa

Calatan Water Partnership (Spain) organises on 12th July an online info session for SME interested to join the South Africa direct mission. Organised by WellianceHOSPITALITY, the mission will take place from 31st October until 4th November.
12:00 Welcome and presentation Xavier Amores, CWP Director
12:10 Opportunities in the water sector in South Africa. Saul Pretel, Director of the ACTION Office in South Africa
12:30 Professional experience in South Africa Manel Salvadó, Director of INFOSA
12:45 Presentation of the Mission in South Africa of the Welliance project. Heiko Voigts, SME Market Connect Consultant
13:05 Opportunities for CWP partners under Welliance Xavier Amores, CWP Director
13:30 Closing
You can register by clicking here
If you would like to export to the USA, Mexico or South Africa, join one of the participating clusters CENFIM (Spain), Calatan Water Partnership (Spain), LUMIERE (France), Umweltcluster Bayern (Germany) and CAP Construction (Belgium) and to add your company profile to the catalogue under the condition that they fulfil the Welliance criteria. To know more, contact
Don’t hesitate to subscribe to the newsletter and to our Linked-IN Group so you can be the first one to register to the direct missions!