Info session: direct mission to the USA will take place from 12 to 15 November
Pauline Bruge | Posted on |

CENFIM (Spain) organises on 11th July an online info session for SME interested to join the USA a direct mission. Organised by WellianceHOSPITALITY, the mission will take place from 12th until 15th November.
The USA is the largest, most developed and most competitive and demanding market for the contract-hospitality sector. The hotel industry, especially in the high end and luxury segments, is sensitive to the added values such as sustainability, innovation and design that European companies bring, particularly in places like Florida or New York.
CENFIM is organising a direct mission to New York from 12 to 15 November, coinciding with the BDNY (Boutique Design New York) and HX (Hotel Experience), two relevant fairs for the design and hospitality sectors. Among the activities to be carried out during the mission, B2B events with specifiers and hotel groups, benchmarking visits and meetings with local institutions have been scheduled. Participating companies will receive financial support to compensate travel and accommodation expenses through the European project WellianceHOSPITALITY in the framework of which the activity is carried out.
12:00 Overview and opportunities in contract hospitality in the USA, Susana Babic, architect specialising in the promotion of Spanish companies in the prescription channel in the USA
12:15 Direct mission programme and Support for participating companies through the WellianceHOSPITALITY programme, Toni Zaragoza (Marketing & Internationalisation manager at CENFIM)
12:30 Questions from the audience and conclusions
Contact: Toni Zaragoza / / +34 648 743 312
You can register by clicking here.
If you would like to export to the USA, Mexico or South Africa, join one of the participating clusters CENFIM (Spain), Calatan Water Partnership (Spain), LUMIERE (France), Umweltcluster Bayern (Germany) and CAP Construction (Belgium) and to add your company profile to the catalogue under the condition that they fulfil the Welliance criteria. To know more, contact
Don’t hesitate to subscribe to the newsletter and to our Linked-IN Group so you can be the first one to register to the direct missions!